Jumpstart Your Nature Healing Practice

Start your own branch of the Forest Bathing Club and discover the medicine you have to offer.

Take part in a six-month, one-on-one mentorship program with Julia Plevin,

founder of The Forest Bathing Club and author of The Healing Magic of Forest Bathing.  



“To heal the planet, we must first slow down enough to listen to what the Earth is saying.”

— Julia Plevin

This program is very enriching. It feels good to find me again and to have myself being held in a safe place so it can root.”
— Sheri —

Does this sound like you?

You’re feeling sick, anxious, or stressed about the state of the planet and you want to be a part of the healing that’s needed now

You’re feeling sick, anxious, or stressed about the state of the planet and you want to be a part of the healing that’s needed now

Your true calling is to connect people to nature, deep ecology, and/or spiritual growth and you’re are looking for support to bring these gifts more fully to the world

Your true calling is to connect people to nature, deep ecology, and/or spiritual growth and you’re are looking for support to bring these gifts more fully to the world

You’re at a transition in your career and want to do something next that will help people connect more deeply to nature and heal the planet

You’re at a transition in your career and want to do something next that will help people connect more deeply to nature and heal the planet

You’ve experienced or want to experience forest bathing, you feel called to it, and you are ready to jump in!

You’ve experienced or want to experience forest bathing, you feel called to it, and you are ready to jump in!


Then you’re in the right place

This program was made with you in mind (and heart!)


Through this mentorship opportunity you will —

Learn how to heal yourself and others through the evidence-based practice of forest bathing and shamanic rituals and practices

Learn how to heal yourself and others through the evidence-based practice of forest bathing and shamanic rituals and practices

Connect deeply to the wisdom of the Earth for greater ease, clarity, health, vitality, and purpose

Connect deeply to the wisdom of the Earth for greater ease, clarity, health, vitality, and purpose

Learn how to structure a forest bath and bring your unique natural gifts to the practice

Learn how to structure a forest bath and bring your unique natural gifts to the practice

Discover the medicine you have to offer others — and step into your natural ability to lead in a way that is true to you

Discover the medicine you have to offer others — and step into your natural ability to lead in a way that is true to you

Create your own Forest Bathing Club in your community

Create your own Forest Bathing Club in your community

Walk away with a website landing page, a marketing strategy, and your first offering fully ready to go

Walk away with a website landing page, a marketing strategy, and your first offering fully ready to go

Join a community of forest bathers who are dedicated to doing this work as you become a part of the ever-growing forest bathing movement

Join a community of forest bathers who are dedicated to doing this work as you become a part of the ever-growing forest bathing movement

Get your events listed on the Forest Bathing Club website and newsletter

Get your events listed on the Forest Bathing Club website and newsletter



The medicine you need is

the medicine you have to offer. 

If each of us were living our medicine, we'd all be on the path of healing ourselves, our communities, and the planet.

And yet, we sometimes struggle to identify and offer gifts without the support of a guide who can draw out our gifts and help us activate them.

As a designer, I believe that design is a process that leads to higher consciousness and awareness of our gifts.

As an entrepreneur I believe that the entrepreneurial journey can be a spiritual journey to find our medicine and offer it up to others as a way to change lives and transform the world.

My unique approach to this work is informed by my experience working as a design strategist at some of the top design firms in the world and my deep knowledge of nature healing from forest bathing to shamanic reiki. I believe that nature is the best designer and that by attuning first to nature, we’re able to design and create work that serves the highest good.


What you’ll receive over six months

75 minute mentoring calls twice a month

Opportunity to apprentice at events

Practices, recommended reading, and week by week assignments

Bespoke design consulting  

All the email and text support you’d like


This program consists of two parts

Part 1 — Creation

3 months

Step into the forest: 

Setting the context of what, why, how, now? 

Diving deep in eco-psychology and the need for new myths

Discover your own medicine: 

How to use the medicine wheel as a map to uncover your gifts

Becoming a natural leader

Science and structure: 

The components of a nature ceremony

Basic structure of a forest bath

Energy and magic: 

Tapping into presence, spirit, and magical healing

Shamanic practices to align with spiritual healing energy

Holding space for healing and reading the energy of a group

Develop your own nature connection practice: 

Personal rituals and practices

Aligning with the seasons and working with the energy of a group

Healing individuals, communities, and the whole planet: 

Earth wisdom

Way of council

Integration and activism

Part 2 — Manifestation

3 months

Vision, mission, and values

Brand strategy 

Look and feel

Naming and design

Offerings and roll out

What, when, and how

Marketing and communications strategy

Audience, voice, telling your story


Website and event

Going forth

Partnerships, collaborations, and business logistics


The program is $3,800 paid in full or $680/month*

*excludes additional design &marketing costs

Next Steps

Click the button below to request your free consultation.

If it seems like a good fit, Julia will follow up to schedule a 30 minute call



Why is this over the phone?

A lot of the work is between you and Nature and the Land you live on. Also, the dream is to start club branches in locations around the world and so we can all connect virtually. There may be opportunities to meet in person for sessions when the stars align!

This is a big investment. Is it worth it?

That’s really for you to decide, but I say yes. What you invest in GROWS and at this moment we need to redirect energy from extractive products to regenerative practices that create more harmony on this planet. Also, you will receive bespoke support on realizing your VISION and you will be going through a transformational process that will create new opportunities for your LIFE.

And depending on your goals — there’s lots of opportunity to make a good income doing this work. Demand for forest bathing is growing across all sectors – from retreats to corporate gatherings. I’m happy to share more on a call.

As with everything, the more you put into this program, the more you get out of it!

How does this program compare to other trainings?

Our approach to forest bathing is different — we bring in a lot of shamanic practices and really hold the space as a ceremony for healing ourselves, our communities, and the planet.

Through this program, you will become clear on your unique purpose and reason for being alive at this moment. And more than that — we will help you implement your vision in the real world through 1-on-1 design, strategy, and business support.

Additionally when you go through this program, you join the mycelial network of the Forest Bathing Club that already has thousands of members around the world who are excited to attend your offerings!